Continue creating YPI Asia student communities around Southeast Asia based on our personal service and guidance.

Providing valuable internships and student communities in a safe learning environment in Indonesia by our personal 24/7 guidance and experience.

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YPI's journey

Young professionals internships (YPI Asia) is an internship agency founded in 2013 by former local & international students who have been to Indonesia and other Asian countries multiple times. We have had the privilege to experience an internship in Indonesia ourselves and now we are helping students from all over the world to get the same beautiful memories as we got the first time.

Step by step throughout the years YPI Asia have developed as the connection between companies in Indonesia and students from overseas. We make sure students and companies don’t need to worry about all the side issues around the internships. We provide 24/7 service at the locations in Indonesia.

Our broad experience in Indonesia and our rapidly growing connections throughout the years, have made us able to help students finding the internship they desire. Our most important goal is to make sure the students will have an unforgettable time abroad combined with the right learning environment. Our personal guidance and our trips, gatherings and activities are what distinguishes us from other agencies.

Partner universities

We have already welcomed students Underline from the following universities:
